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Splendour of the Sun ~ An Awakening Sovereignty workshop

  • The Yoga Flat 14 Nørrebrogade København, 2200 Denmark (kort)

Summer Solstice

We will invoke and celebrate the Sun, as it reaches its high point of the year, around Summer Solstice. We will be igniting our inner heart fire, rediscover our radiance and celebrate the abundance of life. Allowing our bodies to move freely, our hearts to blaze open and hear the echo of the radical YES to life.

It is time to celebrate all that you are, all of your achievement and your uniqueness!

Come enjoy this Awakening Sovereignty worksop where we will be doing yoga, rituals, dance and contemplative meditation.

Please bring your journal/paper and a pen + your water bottle.


We would love it if you stayed and extended the celebrations with us. We are doing a potluck dinner, where everyone brings a meal to share. There will be some cold beverages to drink, but you are also welcome to bring your own favourite.
Please let us know after you sign up for the event, if you are joining the potluck by emailing Pernille Aven at pernille.aven.lupai@gmail.com subject: Summer Solstice

Pernille Aven is facilitating the Awakening Sovereignty workshops, which is her signature offering. Based on the seasons, and natural cycle of the year, she weaves together; ancient practices of yoga and rituals, with myths and stories, along with modern practices like shadow work and deep self inquiry, infused with embodied movements. Each workshop is specifically potent for that part of the year, so it will awaken your sovereign Self in its own unique way.
The combination of the different practices seek to unlock your inherited wisdom, restore balance and bring your power home, Awakening Sovereignty within you.

Pernille Aven has more than 14 years of yoga teaching experience, leading ritual circles and mentoring people. Her mission is to accelerate your personal growth and awaken your desire for living your life, authentic from your heart, follow your dreams and enjoy everything life has to offer.